Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dear Stoned Teenage Driver

Dear Stoned Teenage Driver,

            Recently, as you all know, in Washington State the use of marijuana has become legalized and obviously there are some people who are very excited about it. The other day I was driving on 5-12 on my way to work when I noticed a car driving somewhat erratically. As I got closer I saw the car was filled with four to five young guys, between the ages of sixteen to eighteen, all of which were high out of their minds. Including the driver who was driving with his knees while taking a hit off the giant bong they were passing around. Obviously these boys didn’t care that I saw them because they all waved, smiled and one of them even gave me the thumbs up. They then decided to hit the gas and speed off through traffic. Why is there never a police officer around when you need one?
            All I wanted to do at the moment was make this kids pull over and yell at them for several different reasons.
            First, you little idiots, the law has just passed and Washington State has until December 2013 to get all the protocol in place, which means that technical it’s still a federal crime.
            Second, if I’m not mistaken (which I don’t think I am because I researched it) the law applies to people 21 years of age and older, which you are clearly not! You barely look old enough to drive.
            Third, if you’re not allowed to drink and drive what makes you think you can smoke and drive. A DUI is still a DUI if you’re high.
            Fourth, you’re driving erratically and speeding while high! If you get pulled over you’ll be in handcuffs faster than you can sober up.
            So Stoned Teenage Driver, I know you’re excited that marijuana is legal now, but maybe you should try reading the law, which you’re not old enough to vote on, before you drive like that.

            P.S. The boys did end up driving past a police officer. He was occupied writing a ticket to a gentleman in a suit. Sure pull over the guy who’s trying to go to work and contribute to society but not the delinquents. Good job officer.  

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